So jump in my nappy hair( yes I said "nappy") time traveling chair back to my transitioning days.
September 2, 2011
I remember that day so clearly: I was driving with the BF and took a glimpse of my hair in the mirror and was reminded how atrocious my hair looked and had enough of it. So I turned to the BF and said, " You know what, I think i'm going to go natural!"
Very unaware of what his reaction would've of been I griped the steering wheel and inhaled and spoke very fast saying, " It'll only make sense, its very had to keep my hair straight and is costly to relax it and maintain it during the time period and maybe its time for a change. I'm sure it'll be easier also..." Surprisingly, his response was, " Cool, I think that's a good idea...I like natural hair anyways!"
So on September 2, 2011, I decided that I no longer want to deal with the battle between my relaxed hair and my natural hair NEED to take over. So that day started my transition. there wasn't any other explanation behind of it; I wasn't following any trends, or was inspired by a friend or lady I saw in the supermarket or on YouTube. *honest truth* I had no interest in "YouTube" before my transition. Anywho, I got on my laptop and started goggling information on going natural and from there is when I got sucked into the "Natural Hair Community". I couldn't believe that there was so much information on natural hair: rule/ advice on shampooing, conditioning, deep conditioning, pre-pooing, trimming, protective styles and the list goes on and on and oh so on!! Like anyone whom started their transition, I got addicted to youtube and the natural hair gurus and the natural hair blogs; they were my life!!! Every night I tried a new style, and new technique, I stocked up on products, watched videos til the wee hours, I mean I was HOOKED!!!!
The Drag
But then, after 4 months or so I got sucked back into my real life, and got reminding about my children and responsibilities and school and blah blah blah LOL. After a week, it became a struggle to juggle my hair and life and thoughts to myself, " UGH what they hell did I get myself into with this natural hair mess!?!?" Some days I did my hair and some days I didn't care for it and placed a cap, beanie, bonnet on....until I didn't care for it at all. I'd allow it to get tangles and frizzy and hard to manage. It wasn't until I moved into a new apartment and felt that drive for "new beginnings" and started caring for my hair again. Lets see now that was in April 2012 and by then I was 8 months transitioning and I've tried plenty of styles.
Good and Bad
I experience lots of great energy while transitioning ; I got to know my hair, found a new hobby, discovered youtube and this amazing community, learned about the simplicities and difficulties of growing hair, discovered the mistreatment and breakage of my daughters hair, and many more. I got to admit, I became a different person since then...but it wasn't all good
The bad came with slamming hurt and pain from family. No one besides the BF understood why I decided to go natural, my mother kept asking when I was going to relax my hair, everyone thought it was a phase and said cruel stuff. " You hair looks rasta, it looks like a mop, what they hell is going on with your head, when are you going to comb your hair, you look like a crazy person, what are you going to do with that thing..." Yeah you got to love family huh..haha. Some days the comments hurt and other days I just brush my shoulders off. The epiphany of it all is that I became more confident with my hair and appearance and accepted who I was and what I wanted to look like. I tried more styles, and even go into make- up and nails and skin was a whole new world for me and boy am I loving it.
The Big Chop
September 2nd came around again and I was beyond the need for a big chop, I had less than 2 inches of relaxed ends to chop but I wasn't ready to chop. I wanted to do with when it felt right, when I felt ready..when the desire was natural. So I saw my year transition pass by and waited....until my BF Christmas Party in December. I was more than ready. I planned the whole thing out. I wanted to chop and flat iron my show everyone that it was worth it...that the length would be remarkable. BOY DID I SHOW THEM!
The party was on December 15 and wanted to make sure that everything was done absolutely right. I researched videos on flat ironing all week, I even went out and bough Chi Heat Protectant. I prepooed my hair and started to chop off all the ends. Honestly, I was very easy since I had little relaxed ends left. Then, I shampooed, deep conditioned 2 days in advanced. Then the day of the party, I blow dried using the tension method and started to flat iron. That was a total FAIL. My hair was a poof ball; it would not straighten. So I did an up-do style and dealt with it! But after that day, I was and still am excited about my new hair
New Hair
I'm excited about my new hair of four months LOL. The texture is completely different that I expected and it's shrinkage is unbelievable BUT it is a task and some days a serious pain in the butt. BUT I do love it and I'm embracing every moment that I have with this new fluffy hair LOL
Words of Advice
To anyone interested in going natural, do remember that it's just another change and journey in life. Some days you will like it and some days you might run for the nearest salon for a relaxer! Just breathe and take every bit of new information one and a time, the information isn't going anywhere and God's willing so aren't you. So enjoy the last days of your relaxers and EMBRACE the new day with your natural hair. Also, don't get caught up in the 'RULES" of natural hair like some of us do, just take it step by step and remember NO ON HAIR IS THE SAME!!! It took me 19months to acknowledge that! LOL
Well I stop rambling here and show pics of my Transition Journey to Now. ENJOY!!! BTW, the pics are out of order..sorry!!

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