Month One

After making the decision that i'm going to go natural, I had absolutely NO IDEA where to start. So I googled, which lead to youtube and I was amazed by the amount of videos on natural hair there were!! There were so many video and information to take in that it became overwhelming but there were a couple youtubers that made me more comfortable and confident in this process; justnaumi and simplyounique(videos can be found under the "YOUTUBE INSPIRATIONAL" link) broke down the infomation precisely and made it more of a fun and self inspired journey. They inspired me to start the process that very night on September 2, 2011. I also started my hair journal that night.  Even though I did not have the "correct" products or supplies, I used what I had on hand.

Products used that night:

Organic Roots Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner- as a prepoo(left in for 15mins) and deep conditioner( left in for an hour)
 Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo- as a shampoo
Setting lotion- dont remember the name but used for braid out

Qoute from Journal:
 "Next day I loosed out the braids, fluffed adn placed the front into a mount and left the back out.  Fell in love with the curls but the fell out by night"

The next day I bought Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream, and attempted a bantu knot out.

Qoute from Journal:
" Next day took out knots with elav in conditioner on fingertips, fluffled and placed headband on head. Curls didn't come out tight enough, hair was kind of wild but loved the look. It was also dry, needed oil. Planning on cowashin tomorrow."

For couple days, I neglected my journal, but now and again I would  make informational entries; such as how to cowash, prepoo, deep condition, types of protective styles and no poo's and my nightly regime.

I'll post those on a different page

My plan so far is to transition for a year and clip/dust my ends every 3 months by a profesional stylist