This year I've refrained from making "resolutions". It's a redundant and a overated new years traditions. Which are very basic and repetitive: lose weight, eat healthier, study more, get better grades,make more friends, stop drinking, stop smoking...and the list drags on. Those are goals we should use for our LIFE not just the new years. Anywho! *steps off soapbox* Instead of making "resolutions" i've decided to do C.A.N and W.I.L.L.
Those are lil acronyms i've made for myself. They are reasonable and very simple. C.A.N is to Control And Navigate my life. I will no longer let others take over my thoughts, mind, goals,and dreams. But I will take that bull called "life" by the horns and tug and push and pull it into the direction I WANT MY LIFE to go! I'm not going to make a simple "resolutions" or "goal" and work on it little by little until the end of the year or when the excitement dies down! NO! I'm going to GRIND into my aspirations! Mold them! Guide them! Build them! All with my bare hands, sweat and blood because ONLY I can make it happen by C.A.N!!!!
As for W.I.L.L, it is the ability to Walk In Life and Love! I can speak for myself and say, " I have not been walking in true love and life!" I have not love as hard as I should, not accepted it as I should, I've longed for something I secretly feared!! I've made excuses for not " LIVING" life, for not adventuring to different places in life, waiting until its my "time", WHEN MY TIME HAS BEEN WAITING FOR ME!!!! Wheew I had to get dance around just now!! HAHA!!
Are you ready to Control and Navigate your life while you Walk In Life and Love?? I sure am!!! Now I didn't plan on making a post on this but dang it just happened! I did however, plan on making more blog posts not on for 2013 but for long my heart desires. It may be for one day or for one year! That's the beauty in it all!!!
I do want to do more reviews, update my hair journey and skin journey, and update on ways i've been "embracin my roots". So to anyone that reads this, Stay tuned is you'd like but don't miss out on life! Get off the computers, laptops, tablets, phones, and ipods and get out and love on your family and friends and pets and nice strangers and enjoy the beauty of life despite finances, struggles and burdens for they all are only temporary!!
God bless you all ViBlackberri